7: Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
We communicate with our words and our body language. It’s easy to miscommunicate and not always send the right message, it’s also easy to misunderstand other people, particularly if we are tired, distracted or overwhelmed. Everyone can find it hard to get it right all of the time. In session 7, you will learn about: […]
6: Controlling Your Anger
In this session, you will learn about: How some teens with executive function challenges find it difficult to control their anger The six steps for controlling anger, using the acronym STARRS: Stop Think Accept Relax Reframe Solve How to use the ABCDE’s of problem solving to help you solve problems that may make you angry You […]
5: Staying in Control
In this session, you will learn about: How teens with executive function challenges can have trouble managing their emotions and behaviour Consequences of behaviour Ways to stay in control, including: Planning for Success Making Tasks Meaningful, Interesting, and Doable Giving Choice Creating Positive Behavioural Momentum Getting S*M*A*R*T
4: Getting Organised
In this session, you will learn about: The importance of staying organised to help you get things done and reduce everyday problems. Strategies to help improve attention and memory, like setting up a quiet study area and breaking down assignments into smaller steps.
3: Solving Problems in Everyday Life
In this session you will learn about The different steps of Problem-Solving How to figure out the problem and the best solution
2: Staying Positive and Handling Stress
In this session, you will learn about: The importance of having a positive attitude Tips for getting and staying positive Balancing negative thoughts with positive thoughts
1: Getting Started
TOPS is a Problem-Solving intervention to help us overcome problems in our everyday life that are caused by executive function challenges. In this session you will learn about: Why it is important to learn Problem-Solving skills The structure of the program and the session schedule How to set your own goals You will also read […]